Monday, 25 May 2009

Such A Nice Day

I had thought my chances to get out over
the weekend slim, maybe a late few hours
was going to be my limit. A phone call from
Phil "who had a free day" only made it worse.
I was planning on going to see Mike who was
fishing a stocked water I had mentioned, he had
a good session looking at his report on his blog......
The fishing gods smiled on me though, a phone call
from Melanie's Dad asking if the kids would like the
day out with them freed up the day.

I called Phil and we packed up the fly rods and
made our way to the river.
Phil wanted to fish some spider patterns
I was intent on bugging upstream to start
with and so we spent our first hour or so
fishing both methods.

I had a few small Trout and some nice Grayling.
Most fell to the point fly .
I have been tying up some new patterns
I have been inspired by good tying but
losing bugs that take a good while to create
is frustrating. They look good and so I have
created my own inventions although inspired
by other peoples patterns.
I was especially pleased to take fish on my
new nymph and creeping caddis these are quick
to tie and very bug looking. The fish seemed to
agree, my thoughts had been do fish count?
just legs or tails or a rough imitation
will do, when trying a Oliver Edwards imitation
this can save time so a lost fly not so bad!!
I would say the flies are Oliver Edwards "esk"
but without the long process. It struck me when
watching his DVD that the flies he used did
not seem quite as exact as the ones you
see him tie at the vice so to answer my
question fish don't count and if they see
a bug with four legs or six they don't care.

The Grayling may not be quite as good at maths!!

Not big fish but all in good nick even though
out of season.
Phil had made his way to fish the fast pocket water
with me.
Very fast takes seemed to be small Trout
hard to hit but it kept me on my game.
I moved downstream to a nice bit of water
and decided to relax, fishing down and across
with some traditional wets, another Grayling soon
obliged taking a Red Tag very nice.
My last fish fell to the dry to end what turned
out Such A Nice Day.

Monday, 18 May 2009

Middle Earth At 40

What better way to spend the day after your
40th birthday than with your Friends fishing.
That's what I did Sunday, the weather was
not the best but a visit to the Hodder and
Middle Earth did not allow the constant rain to
dampen the day.

Mike and Phil had arrived before us and
Mike already had a nice escaped Rainbow
in the bag on our arrival.
The day was spent on the dry fly for me although
as you can see the river is full of life , the Stone Clinger
above (False March Brown) and the Hydropsyche below
seem to be under every stone on the river bed. We had
a good laugh looking and catching the rivers little creatures,
Bullheads abound along with Beatles, Caddis, Minnows and
countless others, one Elver even made a surprise appearance
very far up the river indeed. I have turned forty but for an
hour or so it was back to being a kid ''brilliant''

Phil fished the dry also and despite a good few rises
he found hooking up a problem the fish when he did
get one quite small and hard to keep on. Good fun
and practice all the same.

Again I fell on my F-fly+ to catch the fish, I call
it the + because I put a few tail fibers on .
I picked out one tied up to match the Pale Watery
spinner above at least that's what I thought it was
and a quick look seems to confirm it.

A few mini fish and a couple of decent ones
made the Day a very pleasant one it gave me
chance to try out my Birthday present from
Melanie's brother Carl.
The fishing was not easy and the weather didn't help
we managed about a dozen fish between us .
Petes new to this game but he was the last one fishing,
his passion for all things around the river is contageus
I'm sure he will soon look as much at home with a fly rod
as Phil and Mike.

I hope I spend the next years enjoying time out
on the water with a few fish and good company
it made it a wet but Happy Birthday.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Looking To the Future

Spent Sunday with Mike on the Ribble.
The wind was gusting and the sky bright
not the best of conditions but it was so
nice to be out on the river.
The first few runs through brought a lot of
little bangs and pulls little Parr to blame .
This is such a good sign for the future,
on my last couple of visits the river as
been alive with small fish jumping
and generally looking like running fish
in miniature.
I caught three or four and hooked many more .
The day turned better weather wise and the
bank was full of small flowers and the odd fly
think the one below is a good example.
The odd rise gave me chance to use my sedge
imitation which fooled the fish quite well last time
The fish seemed to be taking a small pale
crane fly and a switch to a light F-fly brought me
the best fish of the day.

The fish was 11in about 3/4lb very silver and lept
and fought above it's size think it was either a
Sea Trout although it could have been a larger trout
on it's way out to sea for the first time?

Mike fished hard all day for little reward fish wise
but he got to wade a very clear weed free river
and spotted some nice glides for later in the
season on the pin and float.
The sad part of the day is when you leave
a last look at the river ensures your return.


"Life is but a dream?"

"... on a good day of fishing, the job, the noise and clutter ... fade away until there is only water and the rhythm of the rod and, now and then, a fish."

-Random Phrump

''A Thought''

A simple philosophy I have adopted over the years has been tested and re-enforced in the past few weeks. It is to celebrate those good and pleasing things encountered in daily life, no matter how small, with at least the same vigour as I bemoan the bad or merely vexing.
-Steve Dobson

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