Tuesday, 29 June 2010


You can read a more detailed account of
Sundays outing on Phils blog .................

My summary goes a little like this.
I visited this part of the river over
our very cold winter period. I only
had a few fish but the ones I did get
seemed to be of a better stamp than
lower down. I put this down in the
end to the very cold weather, although
I had concerns about the amount of
predatory birds. I now still have the
concerns. While the odd big Grayling
can be found, fish of under a pound are
sadly scarce. A complete absence of
Dace in water that should hold them
in high numbers and no small Chub
either is a worry.
We fished the first pool, I have had
a couple of fish one of which pushed 2lb.
Also I have lost a couple of good fish.
I had told Phil this and I think he wanted
to get a good Grayling. Although we had
a few Trout we struggled a little.
I had spotted a good ripply glide in
winter, which had a barbed wire fence
in the middle of it making it un fish-able.
So I took Phil and it looked spot on.........
after one trout, I think he was loosing faith
in the water I had targeted, but he stuck with
it and reaped the rewards with a 1lb12oz fish.
I managed a few Trout and also got Chub taking
Crust although I somehow managed not to hook
one. I will give this area another try but I'm a little
worried. A family of Goosander as we left only added
to my concern.

Sunday, 27 June 2010

The list

The list, we have a little list going of the fish
we can catch this year it's a sort of laugh tinged
with "micky taking" You get a new species it's
just dropped into conversation!!
My chances would seem limited as I mostly
fish rivers. This still brings me a few fish
though and a couple of the harder ones.
The hardest was my lucky Salmon!!
So the running waters brought me
Sea Trout
Brown Trout
Stone Loach
Bull Head
While my few visits to the still waters
Brought me .........
So I needed to make the most of yesterdays visit
with my Dad to Beacon view a stocked still water.
I added Ide and also caught a golden orfe the
ornamental variety of the same fish.

The king carp sorted with Mirror and Common
again just one on the list.
Also a Brown Goldfish so another three.
It may get hard now as the remaining species
I don't really fish for. So for the moment
I will bask in the the fact I have caught 20
species of fish.

Friday, 25 June 2010

Forget Me Not

I first visited the river Dane as a little
lad. I remember walking down to the
river with my Dad, on reaching it saying
"How do we get over the stream Dad, to
reach the river?" When we saw someone
fishing we could not believe it!! What was
even harder to believe was the quality fish
we went on to catch over the following years.
The little river has taught me so much
about fishing and rivers in general.
When the Dane is low and clear it's
like your own wild aquarium. Time
spent on her banks allows you the
privileged glimpse of river life.
I had took Phil on the Dane a few years back,
the promise of a Grayling and also knowledge
that he would appreciate this little gem.
It was with the same thoughts as I approached
the river with Pete. For us a new river or swim
is like being a kid again, It's not just about what
we catch but what we may catch, the challenge
of reading the water. The bend on the rod is
just the icing on the cake. It's been great to see
the faces of my fishing mates when they have
seen these little treasures, and when the first
run has brought the promised fish the gift has
more than been repaid by the big smiles.
The weather was warm and the river low
and clear, still sparkling though and full of
promise. Even though less than a mile away
from the every day bustle of man. We felt
we were in our own wilderness I'm sure the
last float to run down that glide would have
been my own last year. So we fished I think
Pete would have watched his float run down
that first glide quite happily all night.
After a couple of fish and a lot of coaxing
I did get him to wander a little. It was worth it
as he caught a good Grayling of a pound or so.
We had the most lovely evening even the battle
through the scrub is part of the adventure.
The final yards before you burst through
to the river is still full of wonder.
The Dane changes so much a glide that
held fish last year may not this, even worse
the glide may not even exist. The upside
that many new ones are created.
The plague of Minnows did not hamper
us much, the cold winter may have hit
the numbers?? It makes 16 on the list!!
I promised myself a couple of years back, that
I would take in more my fishing and the rivers
that I visit. I may of wrote this before, I sort
of was thinking of the good times with my
Dad, and it struck me that the last time
we made our way back to the car some years
ago he probably would have thought he would
be back, some weeks later, maybe months
but life's not like that. Every time I leave now
I say my own little thanks ,
"I'm appreciative of the Time"
I finished the evening with the perfect
fish for this water the Lady of the stream!!
Two happy anglers ready for next time .....
"God willing!!"

Monday, 21 June 2010

Fast Water Faster Fish

We could not resist another visit to the river.
Fast water is a must in these low conditions.
Several reasons better oxygen levels, meaning
more fish and in better condition once landed.
It also makes for an exciting fast fight on the rod.
Mike had wanted a Barbel and with not another
angler in sight we went on and had a cracking
evenings sport. Mike was set up in a flash and
his first run brought a Chub over 4lb and in
great nick.

A string of Chub, Dace, Trout and Barbel
followed. I left Mike to enjoy his fishing
and explored a little. I was soon glad I did
for I found some great float water and a string
of Chub all over 3lb and a couple pushing 5lb.
The best fish was a great Dace which I lost at
the net, or should that be I should have netted it.
After some of the best fishing in years the swim
died. So another bit of water which I had noted
was fished.
I think it could be a glide that holds some big fish,
half an hour brought me a decent Grayling, a good
Chub and another Barbel. Another great outing.

Friday, 18 June 2010

You wouldn't Salmon n Eve it!!

I could go on and tell you how me and Pete
ended up with an hour or so on the Ribble.
I could then tell you how he hooked a Salmon
(looked a big one) and how I landed the one
above. If I did though you would think I had
been drinking or the sun had got to me!!!
For the ones who know Pete I would ask
him, still can't believe it my self.
Anyway cross another off the list Mike.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

That Special Time Again

As a lad I can remember, that feeling of
going to bed knowing the day after we
could fish the rivers. I thought that I
would not sleep. It was like Christmas
for me the 16th . The thing is now I'm
older Christmas is more a time for my
kids, yes I still love it but that magic
feeling is not the same as in youth.
Not to worry though because the truth
is the night before the river opens to run
a float down every pool and glide fills me
with childhood dreams.
So it was off to the river, a glorious day
no rain for weeks and every word seemed
to point out that we stood little chance of
a fish. Well I have listened before and
to be honest I think although harder you
can have some great sport on the stick that
other methods don't bring.
I think roaming the river wading, watching
and of coarse the odd cast learns you so much.
When you mix in the fly fishing, pre coarse season,
the river gives up just a glimpse of her many secrets,
enough for you to understand the likely spots that bring
the occasional bending of the rod.
It was great to see Phil find a good spod of
fish. I had weighed a few places up while out
on the fly and this was one, I did not need to
tell him though, which shows how at home he
is on a river. This is a swim that many would
walk past and think "no chance" well he's one
up on those. I would say the mix of the long trot
and fly makes for a more complete river angler.
I do know it brings us more than enough to keep
us very happy.
It was Chub, Trout, Barbel and Trout
for most of the day the best an 8lb Barbel
to Phil I took one over 6 and some good
Chub the best over 5lb
I had walked off to fish with Mike who's
day was cut short by work commitments.
He had fished earlier and had a lot of trout
he moved to avoid them and at one point
became duck rescuer. While I was down
river Phil had his biggest fish but no trophy
shot. He soon put it rite though.

A great day and happy anglers.

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Busy busy Busy

Well I have been "Busy" this should have been
put up a week or so ago. I'm snowed under
with work, not complaining though.
I have some pics of Mikes wedding and our
"night club" adventure not that much
adventuring took place!!
Anyway I got out onto the river with Jeff .
We seem to be a gathering of like minded
anglers....... being out by running water is
good, better if you can share the catch of
the odd fish with good company and a laugh
or two on the way.
I spent most of my early angling life by
the side of my Dad. Although as I got older
he often sneaked off............
"after that special fish"
although as I later found out so he could have
a quick smoke in peace! without the worry of
me telling "my Mam!!"
The thing is I then spent a lot of time on
my own ,the solitude only broken with the
odd chat. Often I would start a day and finish
it without a word.
Then I found something, I had gone out with
Phil on the river. I more or less promised him a
Barbel, so pressure on! I was relaxed though and
confident and it was not misplaced. The thing I
found that day was not just a fishing buddy but
the joy which I got from watching Phil catch.
That was the same feeling with Mike. We
fished a "snowy river" and caught one fish
but the adventure of the day was like being a
kid again "fantastic."
I fished a new bit if water Pete found
around Christmas again like two kids
we tackled up and even though we had
no monsters it was great.
Phil asked today "does anyone read my blog?"
well I do and I go back and read older reports
on days shared "White water Chub" is one of
my favourite reads and I mean of anything
I was there and every word brings back a memory
and a smile!!!
Every time I come on here
I check all the blogs to see who's updated and
you can learn so much so keep blogin!!
Jeffs a river angler, new to fly but he has
the river craft, so battle nearly won, just
a technique or two. This stretch of water
is ideal for a traditional approach or that's
what I think? Its difficult sometime to
describe what makes you take a fish or two
Down and across ? well not really more
across and down? well not that either.
I sort of came across this, its dead drift
with a twist. Most of the flies we fish would
in natural form be swept along with the pace
of the river, so its more across and the mend
follow at rivers pace with the rods length the
twist is to lift and dip the rod, the slack by
dipping the rod tip can slow the fly down,
only for a second but so so vital, the lift can
tighten the line and just again for the vital
second the fly rises or darts upwards. The
mending of the line is important a fast dragged
fly is not on a fishes menu.
You can then start to work the river more
searching the creases and slacks more
May be rubbish but it works for me. It's hard
to describe such things because its just self taught
Jeffs first trip brought some good takes but no fish.
I think he was sort of hooked on getting one.
The next trip and he was in within the first half
hour. The river was low and we were told
"Busy ........people swimming"
He now had confidence, a fish .... it works!!
We carried on and he even managed a little Sea Trout .
I was getting a few as well and as dark approached
we both gazed into the fast shallows as the Chub where
busy spawning. We can fish this area with the pin and
as the count down to the coarse season approaches I cant


"Life is but a dream?"

"... on a good day of fishing, the job, the noise and clutter ... fade away until there is only water and the rhythm of the rod and, now and then, a fish."

-Random Phrump

''A Thought''

A simple philosophy I have adopted over the years has been tested and re-enforced in the past few weeks. It is to celebrate those good and pleasing things encountered in daily life, no matter how small, with at least the same vigour as I bemoan the bad or merely vexing.
-Steve Dobson

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