Sundays outing on Phils blog .................
I visited this part of the river over
our very cold winter period. I only
had a few fish but the ones I did get
seemed to be of a better stamp than
lower down. I put this down in the
end to the very cold weather, although
I had concerns about the amount of
predatory birds. I now still have the
concerns. While the odd big Grayling
can be found, fish of under a pound are
sadly scarce. A complete absence of
Dace in water that should hold them
in high numbers and no small Chub
either is a worry.
a couple of fish one of which pushed 2lb.
Also I have lost a couple of good fish.
I had told Phil this and I think he wanted
to get a good Grayling. Although we had
a few Trout we struggled a little.
I had spotted a good ripply glide in
winter, which had a barbed wire fence
in the middle of it making it un fish-able.
So I took Phil and it looked spot on.........
after one trout, I think he was loosing faith
in the water I had targeted, but he stuck with
it and reaped the rewards with a 1lb12oz fish.
I managed a few Trout and also got Chub taking
Crust although I somehow managed not to hook
one. I will give this area another try but I'm a little
worried. A family of Goosander as we left only added
to my concern.
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