Saturday, 26 January 2013

A Year Gone By

As always Roach and Chub off the Ribble I'm now
making a few floats, it's a little like tying flies when
the float dips a real feeling of satisfaction.

Phil with a Barbel  he's now only half the man he was then!!
Sometimes you need to travel to find a fish but not always
fly fishing in Bolton!
He could not hide the joy of finally catching a Flash Tench
Pete with a Grayling with more or less first cast (:

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"Life is but a dream?"

"... on a good day of fishing, the job, the noise and clutter ... fade away until there is only water and the rhythm of the rod and, now and then, a fish."

-Random Phrump

''A Thought''

A simple philosophy I have adopted over the years has been tested and re-enforced in the past few weeks. It is to celebrate those good and pleasing things encountered in daily life, no matter how small, with at least the same vigour as I bemoan the bad or merely vexing.
-Steve Dobson

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