and a trip out with Phil and Mike is always
good fun even when the fishing's hard.

looked clear and I thought the fishing may be
hard .

he is now more than comfortable taking Brownies
on the fly .

good fun on a lite rod .

up a few stones, I tried to match the nymphs
I found, a wee bit smaller and darker would
have been spot on.

more takes but alas this did not happen.
It became a bit of a off day for me, the fish I
hooked mainly got off and the rest of the time
seemed to be spent in every bank side obstacle
or worse untangling line.

and I finally landed one.
The odd fly came off in fact most of the day
you could see them but not in any great
numbers, the fish seemed to match this the
odd spasmodic rise was about it.

a spent fly, it's part of my day now
snapping the odd shot, I almost fish to
blog at times, its made my days fishing
better, I for sure observe more and take
in all the things happening around me.
I would like to think its improved my
angling, this may not be fact but my
logging of days gone by as been looked
back on over cold winters nights with
great fondness .

as me with his angling these days, it's
nice to catch, after all that's what we
go for but being by and knowing all we can
about the river adds to the pleasure .
Phil is also getting to grips more and more
with all things fly! It seems a long time since
I constantly told him about how he would enjoy
fly fishing , I love rivers and I think he has the
same passion, he has certainly caught some good
fish since our first outing and he came up trumps
again Sunday .
I felt a little guilty on the way home that evening
the scales pushed round to 1lb 15oz, depending on
how accurate they are the fish may well of broke
the 2lb mark which is one of his aims for the year.
One plus it will keep him going if you hit the target
too early you may miss an even better prize .

The picture above is Phil perking his lips he was that
happy !! if I knew the kiss was for the fish I would of hung
around and took a picture of the moment !!

I do think I'm learning more and more even
though my last outings have been a little
lite on fish caught my approach has changed
it sort of took my eye off the ball a little, missed
fish, tangles lost flies and I find myself stood in one
spot day dreaming of why I'm not catching and
what I'm doing wrong that's because I'm trying
to read the situation more, last year I found a fly
it worked and I stuck with it and fished .
This year I want a little more think what the fish are
doing the thing is I'm not fishing but when I do and
it clicks I think the satisfaction will be worth
the wait.