occurrence lately! The sky was already dark,
the end of summer and rain in the air. This
quite miserable portrait of an average day in
the life of me! Well not so bad after all, a text off
Pete and promise of good fish five minutes up the
road on a new bit of river. The little fast flowing
river that appeared before me was a little haven
of life. Set between busy modes of modern commutes.
"If this was half as good as it looked I was onto a winner."
"A chalk steam full of fish on my doorstep!!"
I set the rod up baiting the swim in-between each step
of the process. First run first fish, Brown trout...oh joy!!
drifted to the TV programme "catching the impossible"
It was basically as the name suggests, fishing for what
could be described as very special fish of each species.
It was this Dace. The programme had gone to a little
river just like the one before me to catch a decent Dace.
They are still common enough but not as before, often
getting picked off by predators before they reach full
potential, I have fished some good rivers, healthy full
of food and yet here second cast was a decent fish, not a
record but just maybe a very good fish may lie in wait.
It's seems a problem, we travelled to the Severn.....Dace
yes but all small and yet here in this little neglected
river they abound? Just like the programme what
next, well more Trout more Dace, Chub and as the night
Now you wait all week for an hour or two on running
water, rain high water and a big fat no to the stick float
float on my favoured water, like I said a few posts back
I would fish the feeder, stick a night light on and I can
week or so back, again high water, we fished pellet,
cage feeder result one bite and a lost fish to a hook
pull. This time round I managed to land a couple
phil had my problem hooked one and lost it!!
Not many anglers have caught Barbel to double
figures on rivers without the use of a feeder rod,
pellets or meet but as of yet phils took his fish
without any of the above.
a joy sitting into the quiet of the night with
good company and the odd fish. A few new
things, the rods up in the air so I have
developed a sore neck looking up in the
sky at my night-lighted tip. On a plus
I can now spot the stars and also confirm
one was like a flooded Nile, the other a gentle
this little river. I think it may be better for
all if this never happens, its nice to have two
very different rivers so close to home.