all the swims and glides of the river are
the same , but seeing them coated in frost
makes them different and quite beautiful .
I fished the river a few weeks back on quite
a warm day but the rain had been falling
most of the week and the river was a few
feet up this made for a hard day . It was
the first time Pete had fished the beat and
he was rewarded with a little Grayling .

said it had snowed ? Logan ran to the window I told
them Jack Frost had been out and it looked cold ,
would it be too cold to stop two mad men fishing
Mike soon rested any fears that he is not less
bonkers than me when he rang to say he was on his
way .
A quick cupper and we were off for some bait .
We finally arrived at the river after a few traffic
problems of one kind or another.
Mike said he would not be wading much!!
We stopped at the first glide and and two
minutes later Mike was half way across the
river , you just have too it sort of draws you
in the river , even if your freezing .
I got the first couple of bites but they dropped
off a small Grayling followed and Mike had a decent
out of season Trout . We split up for the next few
hours both of us having little luck.
A new pool which I have walked past a few times
brought me a couple of very cold Trout.

and I decided to have another move to deeper water.

spiders are as cold as I was !!

couple of Chub and a Grayling to finish ,
Mike packed up his line froze to his
rod rings . At this point my line was froze my
centrepin seized and I lost a better fish which I think
was a Grayling .
I like to think the river does the ''lose a decent
fish thing'' to bring me back and keep me keen
although it may be wishful thinking it makes
me happy.